Be part of our positive community movement. Bring your Eh! Game and use your voice by taking the Eh! Movement pledge. 100% of all pledges will be donated to social causes mayors and Canadian’s care about.
THE PLEDGE: Yes, I want to take the Eh! Movement pledge to add my individual support to help cultivate positive change in community. I want to show my civic pride and support of great Canadian municipal leadership. I believe when Canadians come together with municipal leaders, we can create impactful grass roots change by supporting organizations that foster social programs to help address social issues such as homelessness, human trafficking, addiction, food security, mental health and environmental concerns. Please add my name to the list of other passionate Canadians who want to make a difference. I am bringing my Eh! Game and pledge to be part of the solution by taking one of the following actions to help raise funds for the winning communities’ greatest needs.
Together we can create change one community at a time.
- Taking the toonie pledge
- Downloading the theme Song Elevate
- Purchasing Cool Canadian Bring Your Eh! Game swag and showing off my civic pride
- Visit our merchandise storeTogether we can create change one community at a time.